+3900(ABCDEF) CHARLEY CAT #12:COWBOY CATS ----------------------------------------- This is the latest CHARLEY CAT cartoon, the twelfth in the series, and Charley is in the Wild West this time, along with his two feline sidekicks, Jake (an overall poser) and Ricky (mad on gunpower). Their adversary is Tiger, the yellow striped cat from the first, second, fifth, eighth and ninth cartoons who pestered Charley relentlessly, usually trying to suck up to his girlfriend Alyson. This cartoon has been split into four parts, each requiring 2Mb. Yes! This is open to ALL A1200 users! +4011(ABCD) CHARLEY CAT 13:CAMERA-RADERIE ----------------------------------------- Charley and his beautiful girlfriend Alyson take their cameras and try to win a competition in which a grand can be won if their picture is considered to be the best entry. However, being a cat-hater, the evil dog Mutch (who was last seen in JAP CAT JAPES), is out to get them - and no, he will not treat Alyson any differently as she is still a cat - and Mutch absolutely LOATHES cats! This is another fantastic cartoon style animation from Andrew Whittaker. If you like Eric Schwartz anims, then get this and all the others in the series as well. This one lasts for about 4.5 minutes. The anim is on 4 disks and requires 2.5MB of RAM to run. Hard drive or external drive(s) strongly recommended. +4047(AB) STARTREKKIN ---------------------- An animation, and a pretty crap one at that. Don't blame me pick up the phone dial 100, and ask for free phone JR hartly complaints dept!!!! +4117 MIDGET MASSACRE --------------------- A lemmings style series of animations With the little blighters being murdered in various ways. Excellent little anim. Funny, and a bit sick at the same time, + it made us laugh a lot! +4171(AB) CARLY CAT QUICKIE 2 ----------------------------- This movie setter animation is yet another one featuring are almost famous charly cat. This time charly is very thirsty as it is very hot, the cartoon has a rather yuckie, but humorous ending! Short but funny! You'll need 2Mb to run the cartoon, and a second drive is useful but not essential. The 2nd disk has a nice bonus animation that may be useful for those of you interested in creating your own Dpaint anims. Good disk set! What ever happed to Amy the squirel? Well no to wory these have taken over those old anims by eric! +4488(AB) CHARLEY CAT QUICKIE 4 ------------------------------- Hello, again, everyone! Still got your Amigas? Good! 'Cos I've got here another cartoon starring Charley Cat, Anthony Whitakers star creation (and good friend, I suppose) and overall dude of British cats. Yes, this fourth Quickie (which I never thought I'd do in light of recent Amiga problems) is here, and with it comes a new character! The basic story is that Charley's preparing a romantic meal so that he and his beautiful fiancée Alyson can dine together. Trouble is, he's got no fish left, so he must somehow get hold of a suitable one. And he's got a new enemy to get around in order to do it - a greyhound guard-dog named Scooter! *** 2MB RAM REQUIRED ***